Happy Spring Equinox! The Return of The Greening is Upon Us!
The following is an Angelic Message that I channeled long ago, yet as I reread it, I was struck by how much within it directly pertains to all of us, right here, right now. It is the perfect Spring Equinox message that inspires me greatly and that I hope will also inspire each of you!! After reading this and editing it for you, I am deepening my resolve at this equinox (new birth) time to be conscioous of my every word, thought, and deed. I invite each of you as you read this message to look carefully at "the critical mind" and bring it to the light.
This message has been excerpted from a personal reading that was channeled in spoken word. It has been transcribed and edited into written word for the purpose of sharing it with you and a wider audience. All personal information has been removed leaving only the universal wisdom teachings that can apply to us all.
In Love & Light,
Rev. Ana Jones
Don’t Look Back, Look Forward!
It is I, the angel named Adam, that chooses to bring you this message today. What is it that you say? You wish things could be just like they were or like they used to be? My dear child, do not wish for things to be “like they were.” Begin catching yourself whenever you think that and when you say anything about it. Even when you are thinking or speaking in reference to the way it was a month ago, two months ago, a day ago… do not wish for things to be like they were. Instead, wish for the ability to accept things as they are, to be totally at peace at each moment with the way things are. Be in a place of acceptance with who you are, and with the movement through time and space that all of you are taking in your paths right now.
Begin to eliminate the desire for the past to return, remove that thought in your consciousness. Remove these words “I wish things could just be the way they were” and remove every similar statement from your vocabulary. Once you do, a profound shift will begin to happen.
The number one main reason why it is so vital and important to us to see you stop wishing for things to be the way they were is because of what that communicates deep into your unconscious minds. Wishing for things to be “the way they were” continues to stir the old unhealthy patterns. There is no better way for me to describe it to you.
Take these words that I am speaking to you very seriously, stop wishing for things to be “the way they were” and start wishing and praying for peace in the moment. Learn to meditate and center yourself in such a way in which you can be fully mindful of all that is. Live in a state of mindfulness in the present moment continuing to move forward and projecting your energy towards the future with a new vision of what that future will be.
Now is a major turning point; a time to take quantum leaps in your human evolution. Everything is evolving: the body, the mind, heart and soul. Everything in this life is different as far as the situations, the scenarios, the people, the places, the environment, etc. Now in the midst of this change exists a more peaceful, loving, supporting, and conducive environment for each of you to be able to do what you need to do. So it is very important that you do not let yourself go into fear which will take you downhill. Do not slip backwards in any way, shape, or form. Continue to stay focused in the now, in the present and focused on the future and do not wish for anything to be like the past.
Your future is very bright!. You have not passed the best of days, the best of years, you still have those to come I can promise you that and you can continue to look forward to it. Move in that direction without longing for the past, without yearning for the past or being sad about it.
One very important thing to do in handling the situation right now is to not take things personally. Simply find your truth, find your center, and reestablish yourself in universal truth.
Stay focused and ever mindful in the present, and in what brings you joy and what brings you love. Now is the time to focus on the things that you love and things that you love to do. There is so much that you love and experience joy from.
Make steps to open yourself beyond the comfort zones that you have lived in for so long. You are being asked to expand yourself and stretch yourself to new directions and to new paths and I can guarantee you that there will be new comfort zones and new support along the way.
Part of the new expansion, is an expanding of your mind and expanding of your consciousness past and beyond your fears. There is no fear except fear itself, and the only thing that I can say is that there is no greater power to overcome it than to simply make choices of faith and trust and then follow through with them. Do what you know you must do for your highest good and the highest good of others in spite of the fear. Believe in yourself again because we believe in you.
Use your Power Wisely
Last, but certainly not least, send out prayers for healing….
One of the things that all of the angels working with every being on this planet is very concerned with is the energies that are circulating in the sound fields in and around this planet. Let me explain what I mean by this. Sound creates energy vibrations that travel in waves like the ripples in the waves of a pond. If you drop a pebble in a pond it creates a circle of ripples and that circle maintains itself. It just grows larger and larger and keeps expanding and spreading itself out. When you make a sound, that same thing is happening through an energy field that we call “the sound fields”. Each sound extends out to create a collective sound field and those sound fields are energy fields that are very powerful. For sound as we know it, as we work with it, as we ourselves are part guardians of the power of sound, has the ability to create or destroy. Sound itself has the ability to create life, to create and sustain matter or destroy it.
The sound fields on this earth, and the sound fields around the earth emanating out of the earth are sound fields that are very dissonant at this time and not harmonic. More and more the sounds made with joy, with love, with intent, with high consciousness connected to it is needed. Every sound ripples infinitely in the sound field. Sounds of joy, sounds of harmony, sounds that are harmonic and are made with the positive intention of love and joy are more powerful than any of the sounds that create dissonance in the sound fields, this includes every word that you speak and sound that you make with your body/your instrument. The sounds of machines, motors, engines, lawn mowers, jack hammers, trucks, cars, and others sounds that come from most mechanical devices create a dissonance in the sound fields and are made without consciousness, without emotion, and without intent. But even as powerful and as loud as those sounds may be, there is nothing as powerful as the song of a little flute blowing in the wind being played with love and joy; being played for healing, being played for pleasure and joy to be brought to others, being played as an offering for those that it goes out to.
Be aware dear one that every word and every sound you make through your body temple, through your physical instrument goes out to far more than just those who directly hear it. It goes out to the wind, to the sky, to the sun, and to the moon. It goes out to mother earth. They all hear it. It goes out to us. It goes out to God. It reverberates through the universe, through the sound fields infinitely.
This turning point is a time for you to come into your inner peace, your strength and the power of your wisdom. Use your power wisely.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Story of An Angel
"Give of yourself as the Angels do,
and wonderful things will come to you."
- Ramadan
The following is an Angelic Message that has been excerpted from a personal reading that was channeled in spoken word by Rev. Ana Jones. This message has been transcribed and edited into written word for the purpose of sharing it with a wider audience. All personal information has been removed leaving only the universal wisdom teachings that can apply to us all.
A Message from the Angel Sarah
Channeled by Ana Jones
I hear the sound of the children, the child inside of you, the children in your life and the children of this world. I hear them all as one voice. I hear their laughter I hear their tears.
It is I, the Angel named Sarah, that chooses to speak to you.
The reason why the small minute details of ones life purpose needs to come about through your own personal realization is because your truth needs to be fully empowered within you. The only truths that are fully empowered in you are the ones that you, yourself have come to realize through your life experience, through direct self-realization. All other truths that you carry with you as truth you have some doubt about on some level. You have many truths inside of you that you accept as truth but yet simultaneously it is not fully empowered because there are doubts or fears around those truths or lack of realization around those truths
There are ways that we angels get around these things, through telling stories, through helping you in ways that you are not aware of, through bringing you dreams, through continuously guiding and directing you in your path.
Let me tell you a story, a story about myself, why I was created, who I am.
The name Sarah is just a name. It is a name I have given to you because you have given to me. You gave it to me long ago because of what it means and because of the strength that it conjures up and creates inside of you. I am eternal as are you. There has never been a time in which we have not been together. I was created for the purpose of being in relationship, to manifest love throughout the universe through relationships, through my relationship with you. In manifesting love in that relationship and manifesting love in our lives, I fulfill that purpose.
I was created also to be the one who listens, who is a great listener. We share this in common as well. There is great power in my listening. It is often taken for granted because oftentimes people think of angels and their greatest gifts as what they have to give. My greatest gift is not always what I give to you, but my ability to receive, my ability to listen. This is the action I am most empowered at. The way in which I listen is different than just hearing something. I listen by allowing all of those energies, all of those vibrations, all of those sounds, all of those essences to move through my being and be transformed by each and every one of them so that when it is time for me to give, I know what to give, when to give and how to give it. Especially to the children of the world.
You are an eternal child of God, that child inside of you is eternal, never grows old, weary, can never be harmed, can never be burned by fire or wet by water. That child can still nonetheless through compassion and love, weep for the suffering of others and this is also what I do in my listening. I often shed cleansing tears so to speak, in an absence of a way to describe it to you, as it is an energy that comes off of me. It is for cleansing sake, it is for purification sake. I have this role to play. When it comes time for me to give something back, it is cleansing and purifying. This is what I call healing.
There is so much toxicity, unbelievable amounts of toxicity, physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual toxicity that is influencing the child within you and your ability to connect to that true child of God that you are. There is so much toxicity that is having a profound affect on the children of this world. No one is listening like I am listening.
One of the things that I will be doing to help you move into fulfilling your part of this purpose is to help you to listen more. You are afraid of listening the way that you have the potential to listen because of how sensitive you are. You have not yet learned that you can take all of that in as long as you are transmuting it and giving light back. You are afraid of it hurting you. I can tell you as your own toxicity clears, you become connected to your soul that infinite eternal child of God that you ultimately are, those fears will dissolve and be seen as what they really are: illusion! False Evidence Appearing Real.
So listening is the key, but not just listening to others, listening more to your Self. The time of deep self-exploration and transformation is now!
These levels of toxicity that I am speaking of that are happening on all levels of your being that are affecting you and each and every being on this planet, it needs to be decreased, especially in helping the children deal with this toxicity for they are being affected by it more than any other human beings.
It is a smaller list for me to describe to you the things that are not creating the toxicity in their lives. The most important thing is to not just eliminate all the toxins, but to actually change their consciousness, change the way they think, the way they see and view reality. This brings about true healing which is true transformation. It is not just about removing environmental or chemical toxins, even though those are a part of it, but empowering yourself, educating yourself so that you can then empower and educate them to deal with those emotional, mental and spiritual toxins that also are there, to transform many of them.
It may be easy to remove a chemical toxin from a food source that the children may be eating, but it requires much more in dealing with the emotional, mental, and spiritual toxins. It requires transformation and helping them to see more who they are and to think about themselves and this world in a way that is truly in harmony with a life in balance. Before you can do that for them, you must be there yourself.
Destiny has it’s timing. All things happen within a greater timing sequence that is predestined for a reason. Through your fears, through your resistances you could make choices to slow and delay that timing but not to remove that timing. Even with great resistance on your part, the ultimate timing in which the manifestation of your destiny will take place will occur. You have chosen it long before this life and you have ensured it with an accord between your will and God’s will. You chose that your destiny be fulfilled, knowing full well that you would go through all that you have gone through, and that you would most likely resist in the myriad of ways that you resist.
This is the good news and it is the bad news. It is the good news because you can have faith and trust that you simply need to move along the path as you are guided. Grow; cultivate that seed of life and creativity that is growing within you. It is the bad news because some part of you does not accept. What you don’t accept I cannot tell you, you must answer that for yourself. It is the bad news because if you don’t accept- even if you see your destiny manifest before you, if one does not accept it, you can choose to ignore it and something else entirely starts to occur.
For example there are people whose destiny has manifested right before their eyes again and again and again and they have not accepted it. I will leave you to imagine what that creates and what kind of life they live. There is always free will in everything. Even though I have described to you that your will and God’s will have co-created this destiny to unfold itself and it will, even in that moment of unfoldment, your will must be to accept it regardless of what it takes, regardless of your fears, regardless of your resistance, regardless of whether it is practical or not practical.
The time to start working on becoming more accepting and working on deep acceptance in your life is right now. You must walk in full acceptance.
My role with the children of this world is to ensure also that they know and are given the tools to deal with what they know. I help the children of the world know what they are fully getting themselves into, what condition of the world they are inheriting and that they are not left alone to deal with that. With each generation that comes, comes an entirely new opportunity for peace in this world. It is like a new slate, a brand new slate and the world can be created in any way through that generation. They start creating it, they start creating the world, the current present world and their future world through their thoughts and beliefs and the experiences that they have, through the things that enter their minds, through the images that they see. The things that they hear have profound affects on them, more so than what they see. The sounds and the words they hear have more of an affect on them than anything they see or experience.
Part of my role and your role is to give them the tools, to help them to hear, to help them to see, and to be in a way that is going to help them create the future that they really want. They must create the world as it is in their hearts, a world of purity, a world of peace, a world of love, a world of laughter, a world of joy, a world in balance and harmony. It is not just with people because how can you expect people to be in balance with each other when people are out of balance and harmony with all other living things on this planet.
It doesn’t start with balancing your relationships with each other and then you’ll balance your relationships with all other things on the planet, it’s the opposite. You can’t do it. You can’t balance your relationships with each other without balancing your relationship with this planet and the other beings on it. It is just the way the system is set up.
It is not that I am limiting reality through what I am saying, there are certain sacred, and natural laws that the universe works within that all life within this earth and the universe must function within. Just like there are laws within your society that you must function within. These laws are beyond that because they are laws that cannot be broken. You can attempt to break them, you can try to break them, you can do everything in your power to go against them, you can use your will to directly ignore and deny them, but then you only receive the repercussions of that.
The time is now and the time is to come, as there is time still to make all the changes and the transformation, not a lot of time, but time, enough time.
I have not said all that you want to hear, but I have said all that you need to hear, here and now, for this stage in the journey. Know my love is a constant source of illumination. It is always there and is unconditional, all encompassing, because the love of God is always there for you, with you, and in you. It is always there and never goes away, it is only you that stops seeing it and feeling it. Energy goes where attention flows and where intention flows. Redirect your energy back to that love and miracles will happen.
and wonderful things will come to you."
- Ramadan
The following is an Angelic Message that has been excerpted from a personal reading that was channeled in spoken word by Rev. Ana Jones. This message has been transcribed and edited into written word for the purpose of sharing it with a wider audience. All personal information has been removed leaving only the universal wisdom teachings that can apply to us all.
A Message from the Angel Sarah
Channeled by Ana Jones
I hear the sound of the children, the child inside of you, the children in your life and the children of this world. I hear them all as one voice. I hear their laughter I hear their tears.
It is I, the Angel named Sarah, that chooses to speak to you.
The reason why the small minute details of ones life purpose needs to come about through your own personal realization is because your truth needs to be fully empowered within you. The only truths that are fully empowered in you are the ones that you, yourself have come to realize through your life experience, through direct self-realization. All other truths that you carry with you as truth you have some doubt about on some level. You have many truths inside of you that you accept as truth but yet simultaneously it is not fully empowered because there are doubts or fears around those truths or lack of realization around those truths
There are ways that we angels get around these things, through telling stories, through helping you in ways that you are not aware of, through bringing you dreams, through continuously guiding and directing you in your path.
Let me tell you a story, a story about myself, why I was created, who I am.
The name Sarah is just a name. It is a name I have given to you because you have given to me. You gave it to me long ago because of what it means and because of the strength that it conjures up and creates inside of you. I am eternal as are you. There has never been a time in which we have not been together. I was created for the purpose of being in relationship, to manifest love throughout the universe through relationships, through my relationship with you. In manifesting love in that relationship and manifesting love in our lives, I fulfill that purpose.
I was created also to be the one who listens, who is a great listener. We share this in common as well. There is great power in my listening. It is often taken for granted because oftentimes people think of angels and their greatest gifts as what they have to give. My greatest gift is not always what I give to you, but my ability to receive, my ability to listen. This is the action I am most empowered at. The way in which I listen is different than just hearing something. I listen by allowing all of those energies, all of those vibrations, all of those sounds, all of those essences to move through my being and be transformed by each and every one of them so that when it is time for me to give, I know what to give, when to give and how to give it. Especially to the children of the world.
You are an eternal child of God, that child inside of you is eternal, never grows old, weary, can never be harmed, can never be burned by fire or wet by water. That child can still nonetheless through compassion and love, weep for the suffering of others and this is also what I do in my listening. I often shed cleansing tears so to speak, in an absence of a way to describe it to you, as it is an energy that comes off of me. It is for cleansing sake, it is for purification sake. I have this role to play. When it comes time for me to give something back, it is cleansing and purifying. This is what I call healing.
There is so much toxicity, unbelievable amounts of toxicity, physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual toxicity that is influencing the child within you and your ability to connect to that true child of God that you are. There is so much toxicity that is having a profound affect on the children of this world. No one is listening like I am listening.
One of the things that I will be doing to help you move into fulfilling your part of this purpose is to help you to listen more. You are afraid of listening the way that you have the potential to listen because of how sensitive you are. You have not yet learned that you can take all of that in as long as you are transmuting it and giving light back. You are afraid of it hurting you. I can tell you as your own toxicity clears, you become connected to your soul that infinite eternal child of God that you ultimately are, those fears will dissolve and be seen as what they really are: illusion! False Evidence Appearing Real.
So listening is the key, but not just listening to others, listening more to your Self. The time of deep self-exploration and transformation is now!
These levels of toxicity that I am speaking of that are happening on all levels of your being that are affecting you and each and every being on this planet, it needs to be decreased, especially in helping the children deal with this toxicity for they are being affected by it more than any other human beings.
It is a smaller list for me to describe to you the things that are not creating the toxicity in their lives. The most important thing is to not just eliminate all the toxins, but to actually change their consciousness, change the way they think, the way they see and view reality. This brings about true healing which is true transformation. It is not just about removing environmental or chemical toxins, even though those are a part of it, but empowering yourself, educating yourself so that you can then empower and educate them to deal with those emotional, mental and spiritual toxins that also are there, to transform many of them.
It may be easy to remove a chemical toxin from a food source that the children may be eating, but it requires much more in dealing with the emotional, mental, and spiritual toxins. It requires transformation and helping them to see more who they are and to think about themselves and this world in a way that is truly in harmony with a life in balance. Before you can do that for them, you must be there yourself.
Destiny has it’s timing. All things happen within a greater timing sequence that is predestined for a reason. Through your fears, through your resistances you could make choices to slow and delay that timing but not to remove that timing. Even with great resistance on your part, the ultimate timing in which the manifestation of your destiny will take place will occur. You have chosen it long before this life and you have ensured it with an accord between your will and God’s will. You chose that your destiny be fulfilled, knowing full well that you would go through all that you have gone through, and that you would most likely resist in the myriad of ways that you resist.
This is the good news and it is the bad news. It is the good news because you can have faith and trust that you simply need to move along the path as you are guided. Grow; cultivate that seed of life and creativity that is growing within you. It is the bad news because some part of you does not accept. What you don’t accept I cannot tell you, you must answer that for yourself. It is the bad news because if you don’t accept- even if you see your destiny manifest before you, if one does not accept it, you can choose to ignore it and something else entirely starts to occur.
For example there are people whose destiny has manifested right before their eyes again and again and again and they have not accepted it. I will leave you to imagine what that creates and what kind of life they live. There is always free will in everything. Even though I have described to you that your will and God’s will have co-created this destiny to unfold itself and it will, even in that moment of unfoldment, your will must be to accept it regardless of what it takes, regardless of your fears, regardless of your resistance, regardless of whether it is practical or not practical.
The time to start working on becoming more accepting and working on deep acceptance in your life is right now. You must walk in full acceptance.
My role with the children of this world is to ensure also that they know and are given the tools to deal with what they know. I help the children of the world know what they are fully getting themselves into, what condition of the world they are inheriting and that they are not left alone to deal with that. With each generation that comes, comes an entirely new opportunity for peace in this world. It is like a new slate, a brand new slate and the world can be created in any way through that generation. They start creating it, they start creating the world, the current present world and their future world through their thoughts and beliefs and the experiences that they have, through the things that enter their minds, through the images that they see. The things that they hear have profound affects on them, more so than what they see. The sounds and the words they hear have more of an affect on them than anything they see or experience.
Part of my role and your role is to give them the tools, to help them to hear, to help them to see, and to be in a way that is going to help them create the future that they really want. They must create the world as it is in their hearts, a world of purity, a world of peace, a world of love, a world of laughter, a world of joy, a world in balance and harmony. It is not just with people because how can you expect people to be in balance with each other when people are out of balance and harmony with all other living things on this planet.
It doesn’t start with balancing your relationships with each other and then you’ll balance your relationships with all other things on the planet, it’s the opposite. You can’t do it. You can’t balance your relationships with each other without balancing your relationship with this planet and the other beings on it. It is just the way the system is set up.
It is not that I am limiting reality through what I am saying, there are certain sacred, and natural laws that the universe works within that all life within this earth and the universe must function within. Just like there are laws within your society that you must function within. These laws are beyond that because they are laws that cannot be broken. You can attempt to break them, you can try to break them, you can do everything in your power to go against them, you can use your will to directly ignore and deny them, but then you only receive the repercussions of that.
The time is now and the time is to come, as there is time still to make all the changes and the transformation, not a lot of time, but time, enough time.
I have not said all that you want to hear, but I have said all that you need to hear, here and now, for this stage in the journey. Know my love is a constant source of illumination. It is always there and is unconditional, all encompassing, because the love of God is always there for you, with you, and in you. It is always there and never goes away, it is only you that stops seeing it and feeling it. Energy goes where attention flows and where intention flows. Redirect your energy back to that love and miracles will happen.
A Message of Peace from Divino Maestro
"I can promise you that things are changing rapidly and that the way things are now will be very different than the way they were, and they will be very very different in the future…completely transformed." - Divino Maestro as channeled by Rev. Ana Jones
"Dear Ones. I have come in response to your prayers to speak this message to you today. I wish to begin this message with a simple teaching that is to bring you peace and to help you with all that you ask. The teaching is to ask you to become as a child for when you become as a child you shall enter the kingdom of heaven and I wish to explain this teaching to you. The kingdom of heaven is within. The kingdom of heaven is in your own soul…in your true self…it is in you and it is your nature. This nature, this heavenly nature, this divine nature that is within is the source of all peace. The place of all peace and it is very important to access it, to live from it, and to always be connected to this divine nature within you, this Supreme Spirit Soul residing within you and as I said in this simple teaching becoming as a child. Being a child, the child that you are, the divine child that you are is one of the keys to living in this peace, to being in this peace.
When I say become as a child I am referring to many things that I will explain here today. First, is that type of openness and acceptance that you see in children. This kind of openness and acceptance to take everything in. Be open and receptive to everything. This is the consciousness of a child. This is the heart of a child and this is the same heart and consciousness that is the key to living within that kingdom of heaven and to manifesting the kingdom of heaven here on earth. There will be many, many things required for this, but this is one spiritual key to be as a child. Accepting and trusting, with an open mind and open heart allowing everything in.
Another very important aspect that I am speaking of has to do with trust and faith. While your faith is strong it is to grow even stronger and while your faith is as strong as it is in its growth, it will become broader and deeper. Trust and faith go hand in hand. The kind of trust and faith that a child has is not naïve but is pure and is innocent none the less.
Humility is not in any way shape or form thinking less of yourself and devaluing yourself thus you must look at ways in which you are doing this. It is very important to be in a state of child-like humility and selflessness, while making sure that you have a self to give and that you are preserving and protecting first and foremost yourself so that you have a self to give. Your soul, your nature, the nature of this kingdom of heaven that is within is eternal…it is eternal!
Your commitment to the kingdom of heaven, your commitment to your soul, to your true self is the commitment to live in this truth and to remember is the process of remembering and going into the awareness of the child...the consciousness of a child. This does not mean that you leave behind the wisdom and the discernment of all that you have grown and all that you have experienced and all that you’ve accumulated. Quite the contrary for the divine child that has the ability to live within the kingdom of heaven and to enter the kingdom of heaven and reside there is The Child of Wisdom.
The Child of Wisdom uses all wisdom, not taking your self seriously, but taking the wisdom seriously. What I mean by “not taking yourself seriously,” is to not thinkso much of the worldly ideas of self…the mind, the intellect and all the things that you normally think of when you think of self…knowing that all of those things are of this world and of the material nature. Knowing that all of those things of this world and of this material nature are not your true self.
In order to remember who you are, spiritual life and spiritual practice is essential. Yes, these things require commitment and perseverance and persistence. However, spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation also require child-like qualities…joy, play, laughter, song. Sing a song, sing to the earth, sing to the elements, sing to the water and the wind, sing to the Divine that is everywhere…all around you. Songs of praise, songs of joy, songs of gratitude, songs within your own heart, the song of your heart, let it spring forth let it come forth like the prayer of your heart. Let it come forth like a spring, coming forth bubbling up out of the earth letting it bubble up out of your heart, letting it come forth out of your heart, pray the prayers of your heart. Put those prayers out there with sincerity and yet with that same kind of openness, trust, faith and joy of a child. Sing, laugh, and play where you are with the sacred land and the sacred place that you have been given that is connected to your mission and your destiny. Interact, relate as a child… see through the eyes of a child.
Think of the term of “beginners mind.” I use this term to describe to you the sight of a child. When a child sees something for the very first time it is this beginners mind that is used to see and to perceive and that is experiencing something. You have a long history with the people you are connected to. Because of this history it is very easy to loose this beginner’s mind. It can be easy to loose the sight and vision of the child and yet, it is key to entering the kingdom of heaven and living within the kingdom of heaven not only for you but for all who inevitably will learn this and come to their own realizations about this in their own ways. The spiritual enlightenment journey takes everyone to this point at some stage along the way and their own realizations coming to them about this.
Because of your personal history, it is easier to identify with your history and to see things based upon all the knowledge and the perception of the past that is there. Beginners mind, the child’s mind, sees each and every day, each and every experience as if it is a new experience! In the moments in which you have been able to do this you have transcended and transformed and I am encouraging you and giving you guidance today to truly focus your energy, your attention and your intention on increasing your ability to wake up each and every day and see every day as a new day ---- see it through that beginners mind.
Approach everything as if it is a new opportunity and a new beginning with a new situation because truly it is. Truly in each moment you have an entire new moment, an entire gift that is being given to you which is why ‘the present’ is called ‘the present’ because it is a gift. It is called ‘the present’ because it is a present to you…a gift to you that is anew.
A child does not know how to take the past and project the past into the present and project the past into the future. A child learns projection, it is conditioned and taught to them. This is not the way it was designed to be. Do not project the past into the present or into the future. Do not take the past and bring it in, in any way, to your vision of how things are now or how things will be.
I can promise you that things are changing rapidly and that the way things are now will be very different than the way they were and they will be very, very different in the future…completely transformed. A transformed vision is what is required to participate in this great transformation consciously. A transformed vision is what is required in order to fully fulfill all that you have come here to be, all that you have come here to do and to live within that kingdom of heaven and to manifest that kingdom of heaven here on earth.
You are to manifest the kingdom of heaven here on earth and it starts by living it within your own being. By living it within your own temple, within your own body, within your own mind.
You refer to this as peace and I am using the term kingdom of heaven to describe it to you because it is peace that is so much more. What I am describing to you is the peace…deep, serene, profound peace, unending, impenetrable peace but also wholeness, completion, love all of these are as one in the kingdom and the experience of living within the kingdom of heaven…your true nature…your birthright.
I encourage you to regularly and routinely make time to just connect and commune with yourself and with power sights and power places upon the earth where the energies are most conducive for prayer and meditation, where the energies are most conducive for connecting with that peace within, connecting, feeling and realizing the kingdom of heaven that is within. I encourage you to seek out the most peaceful, serene, powerful, energetic sights on the land around you. Go to these places of prayer and mediation for you and in your meditation quiet yourself through your breathing.
First begin to breathe in and out and in the inhale taking in as a child, accepting all that is and all that is around you and allowing yourself to just take it all in with the inhale…with the in breath and on the exhale, extending yourself, extending your love, extending your compassion, extending your light out to connect with all that is around you, all that is within you and all that is around you are interconnected and this simple breathing meditation will help to help focus you, quiet you and then just breathe once you have done this a few times inhaling drawing everything in connecting with all that is around you and taking it in and then exhaling taking all that is within you and connecting it with all that is around you externally.
Once you have done this for some time, for as much as feels right to you then just continue to breathe, relax, quieting the mind, going beyond the mind and into the heart.
It is your mind that is disturbed. It is your mind that is feeling the disturbance. It is your mind that is creating the disturbance that you feel and experience. In particularly it is certain aspects of the mind, the aspect of the mind that is the ego. It plays a very important role in the whole but it is not who you are and it is also just as important to learn to bypass it or to transcend it through meditation, through self-awareness, through spiritual life and spiritual practice. Go into what I refer to as your sacred heart.
The sacred heart is the seat of the soul, not your physical heart, not the heart of your physical body but the sacred heart which is the seat of your soul…going within that through the meditation in this place where these energies are conducive to live and to be and to connect with the kingdom of heaven within you and then once you have done this through silent meditation opening your eyes, coming out of the mediation open your eyes and see with the eyes of a child even if you have seen the plants, the trees, the land, the landscape, the stones, the dirt, the soil of this place thousands and thousands of times attempt to see it with that beginners mind through the eyes of the child as you come out of the meditation as if you are seeing it for the very first time.
See the beauty, smell the sweetness in the air, the beauty that is all around you. Allow yourself to see that with that eyes of the child and then sing, sing and laugh and play. It does not matter what or how but complete this process in this way and do this for a period of time, as much as you possibly can, and it will begin to establish a pattern, a new pattern as what is needing to shift and change our old patterns.
The transformation of this happening and occurring within you and around you and on the entire planet is to create completely new patterns of ways of being, of ways of living as the frequency of heaven on earth is being set into place. The kingdom of heaven is energetically already happening and over time, is being made manifest. The full embodiment of spirit into matter is what I am speaking of and describing. Some refer to this and call this the ascension of the earth and it is in my view and in my terminology a very good word to describe this.
You are here where you are as the soul and the spirit of who you are to experience and to play a role in this earth ascension and there are no accidents indeed. There are no accidents, everything is for a reason, and while this is something to be taken in reverence, it is also simultaneously important to receive all of this knowledge, to have all of this wisdom, to take all of this and move with it, act with it as a child…as the Divine Child that is your birthright and is your nature.
Heal the sadness that is within you, the medicines of laughter, the medicines of song, the medicines of dance, the medicines of play…these are the medicines to heal that sadness and to transform it and to transcend it once and for all and for ever more and eventually these medicines that I have described to you will take higher and higher forms of expression of which you will understand as you progress through the stages of enlightenment, as you progress through the stages of ascension and as you and all of the others who are meant to play the role in the earth ascension, play your role and do what you are meant to do…you are offering yourself in service.
Service is another quality of the Divine Child that is a great and magnificent quality that you already have…the desire to serve. This quality of the Divine Child is to selflessly receive and the selflessly give…unconditional love. This is love without attachments, it is love without conditions placed on it. Love without attachments to any outcome or to any result true, unconditional selfless love is already a gift that you have and it is something that you are meant to master in this life. I wish to remind you in this message today that you are loved. You are loved unconditionally in a way that is all encompassing for who you are.
This love I have for you, this love I give to you, this love is yours and you are only limited in receiving it and only limited in giving it by any conditions that you place upon yourself and by any conditions that you place on your own love for yourself. So, I ask you to look at the conditions that you place upon yourself…the limitations that are there because of the conditions that you have drawn on how much you love yourself. Allow yourself to receive the love that is there for you. Look at these conditions and limitations that you have placed. Identify them. Be honest and truthful with yourself about them, knowing that being honest and truthful about these limitations and about these conditions is true humility and once you have identified them, clear them, clear them on all levels----this is something that will take time.
The clearing will happen first and foremost on the spiritual for through the process of becoming aware of these conditions that you are placing on your love for yourself and on receiving this unconditional love through the process of awareness on the spiritual level, it will immediately transform through that awareness. It will immediately clear through the awareness alone. However, on the emotional, mental and physical level of which there also needs to be clearing of these there will need to be further steps taken and the proper guidance will come to you when that time comes. Listen, listen to the guidance that is coming. Again, this is an act of a child, to take it all in…to listen, to receive all that is there, to honor it and accept it. As you listen it will help to also connect you more to this peace. Listening to the still, small voice within is the voice of peace. Peace is not something that can be maintained externally unless it is maintained internally.
I have given you a great deal of information here today. It is not meant to be just information but to be a teaching for you to take much more deeply than what these words initially can do. I ask you to take these teachings and put them into practice. Take them to your heart, the sacred heart that I have described, the seat of your soul. Go deeper into prayer, go deeper into meditation. The depth of prayer for you goes beyond petitioning prayer and into prayers of praise. The more you go into prayer of gratitude and prayers of praise, the deeper your experience through prayer will be and all that you can access through prayer and it will become yet another access to the kingdom of heaven for you.
All of these accesses that I’ve described to you today; all of these keys that I have described to you today that are so important will eventually give way to an experience of the kingdom of heaven that becomes an on-going experience, that becomes an on-going perception and an on-going way of being, way of living in this world. For what I am describing to you is a way of living in this world and a way of being who you are that facilitates the manifestation of heaven on earth and the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven within as your daily reality. As the only true reality of the mind, body and senses and all aspects of your being and this is the spiritual shift and the spiritual transformation that you are undergoing and that all upon the planet are undergoing in this journey of enlightenment or what I would also call the Great Ascension.
In this Great Ascension you are all being lifted into the light: higher and higher frequencies and vibrations of pure love and this is what I give to you today. It is my gift to you today and my gift to you every day. I give you this pure love, this pure light a source of all peace, of all that is. Receive it dear one through the eyes and the ears and the open arms of the child that you are, the Divine Child that you are.
Thank you for your service and for your selflessness."
"Dear Ones. I have come in response to your prayers to speak this message to you today. I wish to begin this message with a simple teaching that is to bring you peace and to help you with all that you ask. The teaching is to ask you to become as a child for when you become as a child you shall enter the kingdom of heaven and I wish to explain this teaching to you. The kingdom of heaven is within. The kingdom of heaven is in your own soul…in your true self…it is in you and it is your nature. This nature, this heavenly nature, this divine nature that is within is the source of all peace. The place of all peace and it is very important to access it, to live from it, and to always be connected to this divine nature within you, this Supreme Spirit Soul residing within you and as I said in this simple teaching becoming as a child. Being a child, the child that you are, the divine child that you are is one of the keys to living in this peace, to being in this peace.
When I say become as a child I am referring to many things that I will explain here today. First, is that type of openness and acceptance that you see in children. This kind of openness and acceptance to take everything in. Be open and receptive to everything. This is the consciousness of a child. This is the heart of a child and this is the same heart and consciousness that is the key to living within that kingdom of heaven and to manifesting the kingdom of heaven here on earth. There will be many, many things required for this, but this is one spiritual key to be as a child. Accepting and trusting, with an open mind and open heart allowing everything in.
Another very important aspect that I am speaking of has to do with trust and faith. While your faith is strong it is to grow even stronger and while your faith is as strong as it is in its growth, it will become broader and deeper. Trust and faith go hand in hand. The kind of trust and faith that a child has is not naïve but is pure and is innocent none the less.
Humility is not in any way shape or form thinking less of yourself and devaluing yourself thus you must look at ways in which you are doing this. It is very important to be in a state of child-like humility and selflessness, while making sure that you have a self to give and that you are preserving and protecting first and foremost yourself so that you have a self to give. Your soul, your nature, the nature of this kingdom of heaven that is within is eternal…it is eternal!
Your commitment to the kingdom of heaven, your commitment to your soul, to your true self is the commitment to live in this truth and to remember is the process of remembering and going into the awareness of the child...the consciousness of a child. This does not mean that you leave behind the wisdom and the discernment of all that you have grown and all that you have experienced and all that you’ve accumulated. Quite the contrary for the divine child that has the ability to live within the kingdom of heaven and to enter the kingdom of heaven and reside there is The Child of Wisdom.
The Child of Wisdom uses all wisdom, not taking your self seriously, but taking the wisdom seriously. What I mean by “not taking yourself seriously,” is to not thinkso much of the worldly ideas of self…the mind, the intellect and all the things that you normally think of when you think of self…knowing that all of those things are of this world and of the material nature. Knowing that all of those things of this world and of this material nature are not your true self.
In order to remember who you are, spiritual life and spiritual practice is essential. Yes, these things require commitment and perseverance and persistence. However, spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation also require child-like qualities…joy, play, laughter, song. Sing a song, sing to the earth, sing to the elements, sing to the water and the wind, sing to the Divine that is everywhere…all around you. Songs of praise, songs of joy, songs of gratitude, songs within your own heart, the song of your heart, let it spring forth let it come forth like the prayer of your heart. Let it come forth like a spring, coming forth bubbling up out of the earth letting it bubble up out of your heart, letting it come forth out of your heart, pray the prayers of your heart. Put those prayers out there with sincerity and yet with that same kind of openness, trust, faith and joy of a child. Sing, laugh, and play where you are with the sacred land and the sacred place that you have been given that is connected to your mission and your destiny. Interact, relate as a child… see through the eyes of a child.
Think of the term of “beginners mind.” I use this term to describe to you the sight of a child. When a child sees something for the very first time it is this beginners mind that is used to see and to perceive and that is experiencing something. You have a long history with the people you are connected to. Because of this history it is very easy to loose this beginner’s mind. It can be easy to loose the sight and vision of the child and yet, it is key to entering the kingdom of heaven and living within the kingdom of heaven not only for you but for all who inevitably will learn this and come to their own realizations about this in their own ways. The spiritual enlightenment journey takes everyone to this point at some stage along the way and their own realizations coming to them about this.
Because of your personal history, it is easier to identify with your history and to see things based upon all the knowledge and the perception of the past that is there. Beginners mind, the child’s mind, sees each and every day, each and every experience as if it is a new experience! In the moments in which you have been able to do this you have transcended and transformed and I am encouraging you and giving you guidance today to truly focus your energy, your attention and your intention on increasing your ability to wake up each and every day and see every day as a new day ---- see it through that beginners mind.
Approach everything as if it is a new opportunity and a new beginning with a new situation because truly it is. Truly in each moment you have an entire new moment, an entire gift that is being given to you which is why ‘the present’ is called ‘the present’ because it is a gift. It is called ‘the present’ because it is a present to you…a gift to you that is anew.
A child does not know how to take the past and project the past into the present and project the past into the future. A child learns projection, it is conditioned and taught to them. This is not the way it was designed to be. Do not project the past into the present or into the future. Do not take the past and bring it in, in any way, to your vision of how things are now or how things will be.
I can promise you that things are changing rapidly and that the way things are now will be very different than the way they were and they will be very, very different in the future…completely transformed. A transformed vision is what is required to participate in this great transformation consciously. A transformed vision is what is required in order to fully fulfill all that you have come here to be, all that you have come here to do and to live within that kingdom of heaven and to manifest that kingdom of heaven here on earth.
You are to manifest the kingdom of heaven here on earth and it starts by living it within your own being. By living it within your own temple, within your own body, within your own mind.
You refer to this as peace and I am using the term kingdom of heaven to describe it to you because it is peace that is so much more. What I am describing to you is the peace…deep, serene, profound peace, unending, impenetrable peace but also wholeness, completion, love all of these are as one in the kingdom and the experience of living within the kingdom of heaven…your true nature…your birthright.
I encourage you to regularly and routinely make time to just connect and commune with yourself and with power sights and power places upon the earth where the energies are most conducive for prayer and meditation, where the energies are most conducive for connecting with that peace within, connecting, feeling and realizing the kingdom of heaven that is within. I encourage you to seek out the most peaceful, serene, powerful, energetic sights on the land around you. Go to these places of prayer and mediation for you and in your meditation quiet yourself through your breathing.
First begin to breathe in and out and in the inhale taking in as a child, accepting all that is and all that is around you and allowing yourself to just take it all in with the inhale…with the in breath and on the exhale, extending yourself, extending your love, extending your compassion, extending your light out to connect with all that is around you, all that is within you and all that is around you are interconnected and this simple breathing meditation will help to help focus you, quiet you and then just breathe once you have done this a few times inhaling drawing everything in connecting with all that is around you and taking it in and then exhaling taking all that is within you and connecting it with all that is around you externally.
Once you have done this for some time, for as much as feels right to you then just continue to breathe, relax, quieting the mind, going beyond the mind and into the heart.
It is your mind that is disturbed. It is your mind that is feeling the disturbance. It is your mind that is creating the disturbance that you feel and experience. In particularly it is certain aspects of the mind, the aspect of the mind that is the ego. It plays a very important role in the whole but it is not who you are and it is also just as important to learn to bypass it or to transcend it through meditation, through self-awareness, through spiritual life and spiritual practice. Go into what I refer to as your sacred heart.
The sacred heart is the seat of the soul, not your physical heart, not the heart of your physical body but the sacred heart which is the seat of your soul…going within that through the meditation in this place where these energies are conducive to live and to be and to connect with the kingdom of heaven within you and then once you have done this through silent meditation opening your eyes, coming out of the mediation open your eyes and see with the eyes of a child even if you have seen the plants, the trees, the land, the landscape, the stones, the dirt, the soil of this place thousands and thousands of times attempt to see it with that beginners mind through the eyes of the child as you come out of the meditation as if you are seeing it for the very first time.
See the beauty, smell the sweetness in the air, the beauty that is all around you. Allow yourself to see that with that eyes of the child and then sing, sing and laugh and play. It does not matter what or how but complete this process in this way and do this for a period of time, as much as you possibly can, and it will begin to establish a pattern, a new pattern as what is needing to shift and change our old patterns.
The transformation of this happening and occurring within you and around you and on the entire planet is to create completely new patterns of ways of being, of ways of living as the frequency of heaven on earth is being set into place. The kingdom of heaven is energetically already happening and over time, is being made manifest. The full embodiment of spirit into matter is what I am speaking of and describing. Some refer to this and call this the ascension of the earth and it is in my view and in my terminology a very good word to describe this.
You are here where you are as the soul and the spirit of who you are to experience and to play a role in this earth ascension and there are no accidents indeed. There are no accidents, everything is for a reason, and while this is something to be taken in reverence, it is also simultaneously important to receive all of this knowledge, to have all of this wisdom, to take all of this and move with it, act with it as a child…as the Divine Child that is your birthright and is your nature.
Heal the sadness that is within you, the medicines of laughter, the medicines of song, the medicines of dance, the medicines of play…these are the medicines to heal that sadness and to transform it and to transcend it once and for all and for ever more and eventually these medicines that I have described to you will take higher and higher forms of expression of which you will understand as you progress through the stages of enlightenment, as you progress through the stages of ascension and as you and all of the others who are meant to play the role in the earth ascension, play your role and do what you are meant to do…you are offering yourself in service.
Service is another quality of the Divine Child that is a great and magnificent quality that you already have…the desire to serve. This quality of the Divine Child is to selflessly receive and the selflessly give…unconditional love. This is love without attachments, it is love without conditions placed on it. Love without attachments to any outcome or to any result true, unconditional selfless love is already a gift that you have and it is something that you are meant to master in this life. I wish to remind you in this message today that you are loved. You are loved unconditionally in a way that is all encompassing for who you are.
This love I have for you, this love I give to you, this love is yours and you are only limited in receiving it and only limited in giving it by any conditions that you place upon yourself and by any conditions that you place on your own love for yourself. So, I ask you to look at the conditions that you place upon yourself…the limitations that are there because of the conditions that you have drawn on how much you love yourself. Allow yourself to receive the love that is there for you. Look at these conditions and limitations that you have placed. Identify them. Be honest and truthful with yourself about them, knowing that being honest and truthful about these limitations and about these conditions is true humility and once you have identified them, clear them, clear them on all levels----this is something that will take time.
The clearing will happen first and foremost on the spiritual for through the process of becoming aware of these conditions that you are placing on your love for yourself and on receiving this unconditional love through the process of awareness on the spiritual level, it will immediately transform through that awareness. It will immediately clear through the awareness alone. However, on the emotional, mental and physical level of which there also needs to be clearing of these there will need to be further steps taken and the proper guidance will come to you when that time comes. Listen, listen to the guidance that is coming. Again, this is an act of a child, to take it all in…to listen, to receive all that is there, to honor it and accept it. As you listen it will help to also connect you more to this peace. Listening to the still, small voice within is the voice of peace. Peace is not something that can be maintained externally unless it is maintained internally.
I have given you a great deal of information here today. It is not meant to be just information but to be a teaching for you to take much more deeply than what these words initially can do. I ask you to take these teachings and put them into practice. Take them to your heart, the sacred heart that I have described, the seat of your soul. Go deeper into prayer, go deeper into meditation. The depth of prayer for you goes beyond petitioning prayer and into prayers of praise. The more you go into prayer of gratitude and prayers of praise, the deeper your experience through prayer will be and all that you can access through prayer and it will become yet another access to the kingdom of heaven for you.
All of these accesses that I’ve described to you today; all of these keys that I have described to you today that are so important will eventually give way to an experience of the kingdom of heaven that becomes an on-going experience, that becomes an on-going perception and an on-going way of being, way of living in this world. For what I am describing to you is a way of living in this world and a way of being who you are that facilitates the manifestation of heaven on earth and the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven within as your daily reality. As the only true reality of the mind, body and senses and all aspects of your being and this is the spiritual shift and the spiritual transformation that you are undergoing and that all upon the planet are undergoing in this journey of enlightenment or what I would also call the Great Ascension.
In this Great Ascension you are all being lifted into the light: higher and higher frequencies and vibrations of pure love and this is what I give to you today. It is my gift to you today and my gift to you every day. I give you this pure love, this pure light a source of all peace, of all that is. Receive it dear one through the eyes and the ears and the open arms of the child that you are, the Divine Child that you are.
Thank you for your service and for your selflessness."
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